
This site is an archive of tech procedures, or technotes about fixing old watercooled VWs. This site is mainly focused on the VW Scirocco. but most of this information also applies on mk1 and to a lesser extent mk2 water-cooled VWs from 1975-1992.

This site and its owner is not affiliated with Volkswagen AG, Audi or any subsidiaries, suppliers or other affiliates in any way.

These cars have many parts in common, and are considered by some to be the most “pure” VWs before the cars started getting heavier, and more luxury-focused.

This site provides a place for all of the tech procedures that we’ve written and saved over the years.


There are a few ways to navigate. The easiest is the Search Box in the upper right corner. The categories page at the top can also get you where you need to go quickly.

Advertising and Sponsors

The site has no advertising, no sponsors and no analytics. If you see any ads here, they may have been injected by a 3rd party, such as a program on your PC, a browser plugin, or by your ISP or VPN provider.

This site is provided for the benefit of the community.

About Timbo

Known as TheTimob on VWVortex, I have been driving a Scirocco since 2002. I’ve been keeping track of useful information I find on this website,  for the benefit of the community, and also my future self!

About ATS Technotes

All of the ATS technotes are marked with the ATS logo. They were originally written by Patrick Beaueau. Patrick sent all of his technotes to me on a CD, and I have his permission to publish them here. I am re-writing them with updated information and diagrams, and also correcting any spelling and grammatical errors I found.

These were called the ATS technotes – A Texan’s Scirocco. After Patrick removed his site, I emailed him, and he agreed to let me have the content of the old ATS site.

ATS Technotes + Timbo's Technotes. An archive of tech procedures for fixing early watercooled VWs from 1975-1992 with a focus on the VW Scirocco Mk1 and Mk2.