Megasquirt Igniton: Rising Edge VS Falling Edge

So, for some reason, there’s not much documentation on what this actually means!! Well- we discovered that this problem can create all kinds of hell if you don’t know much about it. Click this pic to enlarge for a full explanation… I’ll add more to this VERY soon.


Here are the new settings in Megatune to make this change. This is Megasquirt II Extra, so the appearance of these windows may vary in your setup.

mssettings.jpg mssettings2.jpg

This is a difference in Audi vs Volkswagen distributors’ Hall sender shutters. The Megamanual was no help in figuring this out.

Getting this wrong could cause your engine to run only with the distributor advanced or retarded about 45° and 55°, and whacky advance problems, sparking on the wrong terminal, and head injuries due to you hitting your head against the wall!