I know, you have seen a dozen web sites with this modification on the web for the MK1 and MK2 well perhaps you want to look closer.
I will admit once again I took a readily available idea on the web, but I changed it around. Every single one I have seen so far (and I have counted over 18 sites with this modification listed), and I noticed ONE common factor, everyone is copying, every one else, and put their brake lights together, some how, like an unspoken standard, became apparent to my eyes…
Though the listed modification helped me a great deal in figuring it all out, I could not bring myself to make the same boring change as everyone else. So? what did I do that is so different?
Simple I split my brake lights and made my “fog” light my parking light. look below, it easy to perform… took me 20 mins… Great work to be done on that rainy day….Enjoy!
Remove the power plug to rear light cluster, and take the cluster wire plate out, get comfortable with a soldering iron, a pair of cutting wires, a piece of solid wire (not speaker wire) and some acid-core solder
The orange box indicates the location where all the work will be done. Just in case there was any doubt. The orange box indicates the location where we are going to solder a new lead between these lines, and the blue box indicates the location where we shall cut the power lead. This is to mark the location which I cleaned, and sanded the surface to prepare it for the soldering job I am going to do to it, word of advice, don’t forget to use acid-flux soldering wire. It is very difficult to solder on this type of galvanized metal. Here the work is completed, in the blue square is the wire patch to provide power to the newly assigned brake light, and in the orange box, is the location where I decides to cut the parking light power to it. Parking lights only, those fog lights sure make good parking lights. Here are the brake lights only, this is what makes my modification different for everyone else I have seen, I split my lights on each side of the fog/parking lights.
ATS Technotes + Timbo's Technotes. An archive of tech procedures for fixing early watercooled VWs from 1975-1992 with a focus on the VW Scirocco Mk1 and Mk2.